Policy statement:

Evergreen is committed to protecting your privacy in an open and transparent way in accordance with the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth), the Australian Privacy Principles, and all applicable Queensland privacy legislation (Privacy Laws). This policy statement sets out how Evergreen collects, uses, discloses, stores and disposes of personal information in accordance with our legal obligations.


Collection of client information:

The initial assessment of a client and any follow-up or reviews should take place in a place which provides privacy and confidentiality.

The assessment and reviews should be between the Case Manager and the client, and with the client’s consent, his/her legal guardian or advocate only.

The client has the right to withhold information for privacy reasons.

The only information collected about a client will be information necessary to assess the need for a service and to provide the service.

Storage of client information:

Information regarding clients will be stored in a filing cabinet which is kept locked when the office is unattended. This information is only accessible to the Coordinator, the Case Manager and the Administrative Support Officer (for maintaining files)

Use of client information:

The information held by the Evergreen Community Inc. about a client will only be used solely for the purpose of providing a service to the client.

Disclose of client information

Disclosure of client information must have prior informed consent from client, including referral to other agencies, research or access to file by students on placement. Consent for release of personal information form is available consent purposes.

The client, his/her legal guardian or authorized advocate has the right to access personal information upon request.

Under special circumstances, the Evergreen Community Inc. may be required by law to disclose client information.

All staff of Evergreen Community Inc. must abide by the policy of privacy and confidentiality. Without the consent from the client, no client information should be discussed, disclosed or supplied to a third party.


All staff will be trained to ensure they are aware of and understand the policy on privacy and confidentiality.